Arnolfini’s Wife’s Shoe

Kind Encounter

German Toy


Cat as Remembered


Long Forgotten Teddybear


Mother and Child


Tiny Vessel of Faith

Aloha Airlines

Rose Hip

Dame Barbara

Faithfully Yours



Powerful Spring

Allen Owl

We cannot always tell whether references to nature are meant to include or exclude people


Parks may consist of grassy regions, landscapes, rocky areas, trees, recreational centers, sports facilities, swimming pools, soccer pitches, areas designed for dogs and kid’s play arenas. You are also bound to find monuments and fountains within parks. There might also be flowerbeds and walking paths with people discussing, for example absurdism or the purchase of a magic carpet. Some sit in the shadow and let things happen, either in their thoughts or before their eyes.
Ulysses And Kirke

Classic references will be there anyway like a smoke signal from a long gone time. It’s hard not to let them out of the closet now and then.
Vanity, Deconstructed



Posing Geometry

Panorama Flower and Extension Coil


Derby Boys

Ghosts of Le Corbusier

Unknown Presence

Greek Tragedy

The Park


At Last

Researcher / Figurine

Exhibiton in the mortuary chapel of the Katarina Church, Stockholm (2017)

The idea that all liquid seeks it’s way to the lowest point seemed capricious during a studioperiod in s’Hertogenbosch in the Netherlands. They pump it, and elevate it in every sort of way. I saw parellells to other facts that governs one’s life. The will to lead around, elevate and lower in order to avoid disasters always is present, it works for many, but not for all.
Atmosphere still

Homeward version 2


My aunt Lydia had a wall clock in jugendstyle. The pendylum in that clock became a tounge which moved from side to side in a giants mouth. Time passes even clocks like that, what scares children now?
Sledge of Stone

It was carved in Grez during a studio period in the autumn 1994. I did it as a reflection on the history that lingered there. When it was time to go there was no space for it in the car, so I placed it in a nisch in the garden were I took this photo before we left. It’s still there, assumed to be made by a finnish sculptor Ville Vallgren around 1900. So the piece is brought back to the age of now dead men-artists that visited Grez.
The Symmetry of Being

Bunny and Stag

This goes back to C.F Hill, the drawing of the lonely stag who’s crying out his desire with no one around. I decided to give him the opportunity to watch the sunset together with Bunny.
Two Junipers

These two doesn’t bend back after the storm, they’re of ceramic and placed in Koos de Jongs Bookshelf in Amsterdam.
The Source

No artist ever escapes death as a subject, most of us mocks death every day as we live on. And there is always a chance for rebirth, maybe as an egg.
The Duel

The Duel written by Peter Weiss in 1953 is a lovestory which I couldn’t resist to make into a set of tableau vivants, twelve pieces 1×1 meter each in polyesterfilm. The story contains desire, deception, ambulance transportation, fruitless artitistic efforts to seize the light and other inspiring scenes.

The ghost of the great patriarch C.L. hovers above me. I start respectfully, putting a piece of fluff from the floor of his former studio on a clothes line.
Gran Turismo